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A Simple Idea to Increase Online Sales

As more customers shop online, a simple trick can help you sell more: having product images. This process can be significant as you'll need to connect with your vendors and get the photos representing each of your products. Still, it will pay off big time as your end users can view these photos and, in many cases, fall in love with new products they were unfamiliar with.

So how can you get started if you have no photos right now? You can first look at your sales data and determine the categories that sell the most. Start by gathering and uploading those photos (and yes, this is a painful and lengthy process). Then you move on to the following categories and do this cycle multiple times.

It can take a few weeks, but the key is to get started. Eventually, you'll be able to get photos for most of your products (if not all), and this will significantly help your customers and their customers to buy more online. If you're still unsure about this or don't know how to get started, don't hesitate to get in touch with our support team; they'll be happy to help.