FedEx Shipping

FedEx Shipping

FedEx Shipping

Available now with Komet Sales

FedEx Shipping

Available now with Komet Sales

FedEx Shipping

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Shipping via FedEx is faster and easier than ever before.

Easily control your customer shipping preferences:

Save and manage the FedEx shipping preferences for all your customers, and each of their ship-to addresses, with Komet. Just think of how much time you’ll save.

Track shipments and FedEx billing with 1 click:

Your tracking information is automatically saved and available in Komet, and Komet order information is cross-referenced in your FedEx account. This gives you super-fast access to the details you need, when you need it.

Synchronize your shipments with FedEx:

Your tracking information is automatically saved and available in Komet, and Komet order information is cross-referenced in your FedEx account. This gives you super-fast access to the details you need, when you need it.

Generate FedEx shipping
labels with ease:

You can also print FedEx shipping labels with 1 click, from Komet’s shipping page.

The FedEx Integration, is an add-on product to your existing Komet Sales subscription.