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Cross-Docking Shipping, Now Available in Komet Sales

I want to share with you a new feature we have added to the Komet system. For your larger shipments, Cross-Dock shipping is now fully integrated into your system.

If you are unfamiliar with Cross-Dock shipping, also known as In and Out, it is a logistics practice that involves transferring incoming goods directly to outbound vehicles without intermediate storage. 

With Cross-Dock shipping, you now have a faster, more efficient receiving and shipping process that eliminates much of the warehouse work… no racking and later pulling these boxes. From sales entry to grower labeling to warehouse receiving and shipping, this new integration is easy to use. 

Also, if you use a third-party handling company, many offer lower rates for Cross-Dock boxes.

You can learn more about how Cross-Dock shipping can help streamline your warehouse operations and reduce handling costs for your larger orders by clicking here or check out our Quick Start Guide.


Feel free to contact our Customer Support team if you have any questions or need any additional help.


Best regards,

Elena Mejía

Marketing Coordinator